Security News Roundup 08/05/14

Rio boosts World Cup security amid crime rise 

Extra police are patrolling the streets a favela near the England World Cup team hotel after a shootout took place there.

One person was killed as police clashed with drug traffickers over the May day weekend Rocinha.

Coordinator at the University Candido Mendes Center for Studies on Public Security and Citizenship, Silvia Ramos told Sky News: “What we are seeing (in Rio today) is a crisis in security and safety and this has been growing since 2013. There is also not just an increase in criminality but also more people are going round the city armed. And the official security forces have been slow to respond to this.”

Hapless IT specialist arrested after tailing the first daughters’ motorcade

Mathew Evan Goldstein, 55, was arrested after he passed the security checkpoint at 17th Street and Pennsylvania in his Honda Civic. Police then checked the car for explosives.

Pictures of the car showed it traveled about 50 yards down Pennsylvania Avenue past the security barrier but it remained outside the main gate of the White House.

Security guard orders mother to stop breastfeeding after one cafe customer complains

Film maker and journalist Jenny Kleeman was asked to stop breastfeeding her son at the Apostrophe cafe in North London as the security guard claimed it was “not allowed”.

In an email, Deborah Jones, retail operations director for Land Securities which owns the O2 Center, told her: “On behalf of The O2 Center I would like to apologise personally for the situation you encountered when feeding your son. I want to assure you that it is not our policy to prevent breast feeding anywhere within the O2 Center, or indeed any of our shopping centers, and the security guard who spoke to you did not act in line with our policy. I assure you that we will be working with all staff in all of our centers to ensure they are fully aware of our policy.”


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